Safety Services

InteRisk has been involved in the development and implementation of Environmental, Health and Safety initiatives since the earliest years of their introduction. InteRisk employees are active on many WorkCover, Standards Australia, Industry Representative Bodies and employer / employee development panels including international standards committees. InteRisk have written policies, procedures, manuals, journal articles and many other OHS documents that are used in many industries and countries all over the world. Our core skills are in implementing these, not from a consultants view but from people that actually have been Senior Management with board level responsibilities. InteRisk have conducted thousands of audits, produce as many reports and make recommendations to our clients every year. The thing that sets InteRisk apart is that we don’t finish at the completion of the report, as part of our ongoing commitment we most commonly will work with the site teams to find solutions that fit their problems e.g. Budget constraints, Non-compliance, Contractual issues, Tenant responsibilities etc. We have many Professionals that specialise in all areas of Environmental, Health & Safety and provide services including:

* Reviews, Audits, Compliance to meet    International Standards.
* AS4801 Audits (OHS Management Systems)
* Standards, Processes and Procedures (OHS    Management Systems)
* Induction Systems for staff and contractors
* Employee identification systems
* Incident Investigations.
* Health Surveillance and Occupational Hygiene    Services
* International / Interstate Travel Guidance
* Physiological Counselling Services
* Ergonomic and office Reviews.
* Compliance reviews to meet legislative and    government requirements
* Develop Processes and Procedures to meet    your needs
* Contaminants
      * Hazardous Materials and Substance surveys         and management Plans
* Noise Assessments and monitoring
* Indoor Air Quality Surveys.
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